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I have sailed the tides of traumas, faced the snarls of demons, and felt desolation deeper than I knew my soul could sink. I have endured the depths of devastating heartache and have carried the weight of heavy sorrow. It is from living with these shadows of darkness that a need for creating my own brightness grew within me. It is from that desire to create my own brightness that I began teaching myself to paint, appreciating the delicacy in drawing, and yearning to work with other mediums.


I am a completely self-taught artist and have learned all I know about art through self-education, curiosity, observation, and daring attempts.


My desire to create brightness in moments of darkness fed a need to bring more bursts into the universe, and into the lives of others, sparking a drive to continue exploring endlessly. 


A gentle reminder to all who cross paths with my art {hive}, to all those who may be going through (or who have gone through) moments of darkness: you are not alone. ​​


May my art bring some rays of sunshine to your day, your life, and your soul. Be well my friend, and never stop being your bright beautiful badass self. â€‹


About the Artist Name


Lapoule is an homage to my French mother who used to call me 'ma poule' as long as I can remember. When I was in the process of divorcing and making the decision of whether or not to drop a very French married last name and reintroduce my very generic American (and so not French) maiden name, I was challenged with finding a suitable artist name that spoke to my identity. 


While I speak four languages, the French language and French culture lie closest to my roots. The half-French side of me ties closet to my truest self, as French customs and cuisine were and still are instilled at home. 


'Ma poule' (pronounced mahpool) is a term of endearment given to French girls,  meaning 'my little chickadee'. While this had once been my nickname, it was/is important for me to subtly remind that I belong to no one but myself. Hence, why I am la poule - the chickadee. 


This is how my artist name Alexandra Lapoule came to be. 

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